"The industry is no longer only about pricing" says Weisz.
#Tns smart network webmon software
TNS has been the trail blazer for the Canadian industry since 1997, delivering a software product and service that allows ISOs to manage their ATM base with savvy. "We can only account for this astonishing growth by the fact that ISOs have confidence in the direction TNS has taken in the marketplace." Analysis of TNS's growth shows both the addition of ISOs new to the ATM marketplace and those leaving the competition in favour of TNS's superior service platform. "This has been an exceptional start to the year" says Mischa Weisz, President and CEO of TNS. TNS Smart Network is Canada's largest privately-owned ATM processor, providing connectivity and processing solutions for ISOs in the Canadian marketplace for both ATMs and POS. has gained a 40% increase in its ATM base. To be checked to ensure that it is returning pages.Toronto, Ontario, During the first five months of 2002, TNS Smart Network Inc. Of the web-mon plugin itself is to allow the server/app Other samplers to read, such as EXTRACTOR. Success criteria then the content may be exported for If a page downloads correctly and passes all the Scenarios > scenario > stages > stage > dataTransfer ¶ The configuration parameters are listed below: The headline variables will only show the status of the The same WEB-MON instance, this is not recommended, and Served from the same physical web server, or checkingīoth secure and non secure versions of a site.Īlthough setting different connection details wouldĪlso allow multiple physical servers to be monitored from ItĪlso allows monitoring of multiple domains that are This allows connections to other servers if, for example,Īuthentication is required from a central location. Scenario or stage level in addition to the top level. It is possible to configure connection details at the In addition to theĬonfigurable success criteria, if the server sends aĬontent-Length header and the amount of data downloadedĭoes not match this then the stage will fail. Specify a set of success criteria that, if breached, willĬause a FAILED state to occur. Request, such as query variables and headers. Stages can have additional data sent as part of the Scenarios are configured with a number of stages inĮach. Multiple instances may be configured if more than one The timeĮach WEB-MON instance monitors a single web server. Time taken to run each stage, check the successĬriteria, and set up the next stage. Time taken to resolve the hostname, make the Provides more information about what went Scenario did not complete successfully, so
#Tns smart network webmon code
Them, such as a response code or time to complete. Stages have a set of success criteria associated with Sequence, in the same way that a user would do.
#Tns smart network webmon series
Series of stages (web pages or files) to be requested in The configuration of the WEB-MON plug-in is brokenĭown into a number of scenarios.